
Over 300 enterprises all over Russia are our customers.
The network of branches and regional warehouses guarantees fast delivery to any where in Russia.
We also export our products to some countries abroad.

Big Customer Pool

Over the years of working the Company has been lucky to have cooperative working experience with almost every factory or plant in Russia.

Many Customers have been our customers for over 10 years already.

Broad geography of work

The headquarters of the Company is situated in Saint-Petersburg, with its manufacturing facilities and warehouses situated in Leningrad Region. Every Branch has its own regional warehouses. The Company delivers the products from each of its warehouses to anywhere in Russia.

Some unique own-made products are exported to Europe and America.

Branch Network

Requests of regional Customers are worked out by 5 Branches of the Company (in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk and Astana). Convenient location of Branches allows to cooperate with any factory or a plant anywhere in Russia.