
Plastic sausage casings

Plastic sausage casings The main advantages of plastic shells are high mechanical strength, extended shelf life of finished products, biological inertness, in addition, they allow you to almost completely avoid like the waste of the shell and loss of product, which is also important from the point of view of economy of Finance.

Logopak FB | Logopak FB PraimLogopak FB | Logopak FB Praim
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Dry sausages, Semi-dry smoked/cooked sausages, Boiled sausages and Ham
Logopak SMOKE (permeable)Logopak SMOKE (permeable)
Hit of sales
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Semi-dry smoked/cooked sausages
Logopak FORMLogopak FORM
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Logopak LIGHTLogopak LIGHT
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Net-Casing LITENet-Casing LITE
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Dry sausages, Semi-dry smoked/cooked sausages, Boiled sausages and Ham
Hit of sales
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex UniversalPentaflex Universal
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex Universal STPentaflex Universal ST
Purpose: Meat Delicacies
Pentaflex Extra NPentaflex Extra N
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex Sinuga NPentaflex Sinuga N
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex Overstuff NPentaflex Overstuff N
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex KranzPentaflex Kranz
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham
Pentaflex ShapePentaflex Shape
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham