
Thermoshrinkable bags and films

Thermoshrinkable bags - today it is one of the most advanced types of packaging that combine high barrier properties, durability, ergonomics and thanks to its transparency - giving you the opportunity to visualize the product.

Thermoshrinkable bagsThermoshrinkable bags
Manufacturer: Logos
Purpose: Chicken, Raw meat, Meat Delicacies
Термоусадочная плёнка ЛОГОВАК ФЛОТермоусадочная плёнка ЛОГОВАК ФЛО
Purpose: Meat Delicacies, Semi-dry smoked/cooked sausages, Boiled sausages and Ham, Chicken, Raw meat
Термоусадочные пленки ЛОГОВАК ФС ВР/ТРТермоусадочные пленки ЛОГОВАК ФС ВР/ТР
Purpose: Boiled sausages and Ham, Raw meat, Meat Delicacies, Frankfurters, Hot Dogs, Chicken